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Bari Airport Departures

The table above shows real-time information on all flights departing from Bari airport over the next few hours. It is always advisable to check your departure time before you start making your way to the airport in case there are any delays. To make this simpler, any delays to a flight are marked with a 'delayed' status and the new estimated departure time will be shown, so you can plan your journey with ease.

If you are being dropped off by car then you will find a free parking area right in front of the departures hall, and some more free parking in any of the P1 car parks. There is a maximum time limit of 15 minutes to stop in both of these areas for free, but if you wish to stay longer, you can pay by the hour at the ticket machines. You can find out more about parking and the charges on our parking page here.

Departures Hall and Check-in Procedures

The departures hall is located on the first floor of the terminal. If you are arriving by car or by bus, you will find an elevated road to this level and you can stop or be dropped off right outside of the entrance doors. All other passengers can make their way to the departures hall by the escalators located on the ground floor.

Bari airport is not a massive airport, but it is still advisable that you arrive at the airport early so you leave yourself with plenty of time to check-in and pass security. The check-in area is generally very efficient, but just like all airports, it can experience high volumes of passengers at certain times of the day so delay and queues can occur.

It is recommended that you arrive at the airport at least 2 hours before your departure time, even for short flights. You will find that check-in desks open 3 hours before departure for long-haul flights and 2 hours before departure for domestic and European flights, and will close 50 minutes before departure.

When you arrive in the departures hall, the first thing you will need to do is to check-in and drop off your hold luggage. You will find two isles in a central position with check-in and bag drop desks each side. To find the correct desk to proceed to, check the overhead monitors for your flight number and continue to the correct desk number. You will need to present a valid passport and your booking number/confirmation voucher at the desk and they will provide you with a boarding pass.

If your airline offers online check-in, then it is recommended that you check-in online to save time at the airport. Most airliners will open their online check-in 24 hours before departure and will allow you to choose your seat. Ensure that you print off your boarding pass and take it with you, then at the airport drop of any hold luggage at the bag drop desk.

Security Control & Departure Lounge

Once you have successfully checked in and dropped off your hold luggage you will first have to proceed to a security inspection area. At the inspection area, you will be required to present your boarding pass and have all your hand luggage and possessions scanned through an x-ray machine to ensure you have no forbidden items on you. You may be required to remove certain items such as a phone and laptop and have them inspected separately. You could also be asked to remove your belt or take for your shoes, so be prepared to do this.

Passengers should also be aware of the rules for carrying liquids onto the aeroplane. Any single item but not exceed 100 ml and the total volume must not exceed 1 litre. When you pass through the inspection area, all liquids must be placed in a transparent bag for a separate inspection, so ensure liquids are easily accessible in your hand luggage.

After clearing security, you can make your way into the main departure lounge where you can wait for your flight. Here you will find a number a number of duty-free shops and cafes where you can enjoy a drink before you board your flight.

If your flight is to a non-Schengen area, you will be required to pass through the passport control area where you must present your passport before you can proceed to you boarding gate. The passport control area is located at the entrance to all 'B' boarding gates.